We publish quality speculative-fiction novels for middle grade, young adult, and adult audiences. For more details on what we mean by quality, please check out: our CEO's video series and blog, our published books, and this blog post. Please note that we do not publish books with highly excessive profanity, extreme gratuitous violence, or explicit sexual content. Nor do we publish collections of short stories or poetry. We prefer manuscripts be at least 50,000 words long. |
We are open to submissions.
Please note that unsolicited submissions sent to us while we were closed to unsolicited submissions will not receive replies.
Submit Your Novel
- Subject line: SUBMISSION: [Title of Manuscript]
- Brief letter addressed to Christopher Light. Letter should include an introductory paragraph with your book's title, genre, age group, and word count; a 100- to 250-word blurb on your book; a short author bio; and the name of a book you love.
- The first 3 chapters or 50 double-spaced pages (whichever is longer) uploaded below the query letter. We prefer PDF.
If we are interested, we will request a complete manuscript.
You may submit more than one manuscript at a time. However, please do not resubmit a manuscript unless it has been substantially revised and at least 12 months have elapsed since your previous submission. The reason for this delay is that we believe good editing takes time. You can watch our CEO's video on self-editing your book here.
Our promise: As long as you follow our submission guidelines and deliver a reasonably polished cover letter and manuscript, we will judge your submission solely on the quality of the writing sample and respond within three months. (Of course, our own personal preferences also play a role in our selection!)
Please note that your submission has gone through even if you do not receive a confirmation screen.
We sit beside the fire and think
of how the world would be
without excellent books . . .
and it's not pretty.
So thank you for writing.