One of my least favorite things about myself—which I’m working to fix—is that I get overwhelmed easily. I look at all the tasks I’ve been assigned, take in the big picture, and freak out. My brain says, “You must do ALL of this NOW.” I know that isn’t true, but that doesn’t stop the visceral reaction.
Whether it’s a doctor’s office waiting room or a two-hour-long blizzard-induced traffic jam, we’ve all been stuck somewhere. That’s why most purses I own are big enough to hold whatever book I’m currently reading.* At least when we’re physically delayed or detained, our imagination can still fly free.
What if you were stuck somewhere for months—or years? Stranded on a desert island, no phone or other tech to call for help, just basic survival necessities. AND five books. (Yes, you can argue that counts as a necessity!) Which five books would you want to have with you? . . . Aside from How to Get the Heck Off a Desert Island by Sandy O’Shipwreck! ;) A while back, I had the pleasure of editing a book that briefly discussed the interaction between the macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates). The thing that really stuck with me about this interaction is that the body digests best when it is not digesting only one of these at a time. You don’t want to just eat (for example) protein—you want to pair it with fats or carbohydrates.
Jeannie here. This post first appeared in my literary consultant blog, but I've changed it up a bit. I feel like this topic is pretty evergreen around New Year's.
I always got a slew of new clients at the beginning of the year. And it seems like Thinklings Books has gotten quite a few queries from authors too. Whether I am here at Thinklings or working on my own, it's far too many to work with; and besides, I know better by now than to expect most of them to follow through. Back when I was just consulting by myself, I told some of my personal clients to try my query boot-camp classes in February. Usually there were three major groups: self-important narcissists, impatient eager beavers, and dropouts. I mostly want to talk about the last group. For every book that comes out, we'll be sure to post a review and an author interview the week the book is available for pre-order. If you would like to be able to provide reviews for books for Thinklings, then please send an email to [email protected]. Today our review comes from Kelley Miley.
January 2025