For every book we release, we typically feature an interview with one of its major characters. This week we were going to sit down and chat with someone from Sand to Glass by Remy Apepp, but something . . . a bit unusual happened. Read below to find out what it was!
Every time we release a book, we’ll post an interview with its author during the month before the book is published. Our next novel, Sand to Glass, comes out on November 1st. Sand to Glass is a dark literary fantasy about a kingdom on the edge of destruction, and we are interviewing Remy Apepp, who loves to explore characters’ psychology and transformations.
Let me chat about my serial novel The Midnight Files, because it perfectly demonstrates one method of getting ideas. (And how you can get them, too.)
But let me go back and explain. Last November (2020), I decided to do National Novel Writing Month. Only, instead of a novel, I would get myself out of my writing slump by writing short stories to prompts. My prompts went like this: each day, I would go to the alphabetically next part of my bookcase and look at the first three authors. The first book I owned by each author was my prompt; the author’s name of the third book was the name of my character: |
January 2025