Happy St. Patty’s Day, and luck o’ the Irish to ye! (You bet I'm wearing green today, as I'm not fond of getting pinched. ;) Thinking of shenanigans and malarkey . . . It’s been a while since we’ve done a fun blog post related to one or more of our novels, such as a character interview, so we thought it was high time to have some fun with our books here again! Did your high school yearbook include a superlatives feature? You know, nominating students for best hair, class clown, cutest couple, etc. The idea fluttered to us on a spring breeze (wishful thinking—it’s almost spring, though!) and we snatched it like a falling star . . . don’t worry, we didn’t make a deal with it or lose our heart. We tried to be as objective as possible with these categories and answers, and not stray into any contentious territory like “most beautiful/loveable/interesting character.” So, without further ado, here’s our list of superlatives for the books Thinklings has published so far: 1. Shortest book – The Cosmic Turkey, at a little more than 50,000 words. A whole lot of funny packed into a small space! . . . And outer space. 2. Longest book – Bargaining Power, at 131,900 words, just barely beats Skate the Thief (131,700). Certain characters from Skate may try to get revenge, but Mercedes will be ready. 3. Most romantic book – Painter of the Dead . . . pretty obvious, that one! It also has the couple with the biggest age gap: about 4,000 years. 4. Most angsty book – Hunter’s Moon . . . um, yeah. Ahem. Not the fluffy kind of werewolves. 5. Funniest book – The Disposable and The Cosmic Turkey. We could never choose between them! Both make us laugh our heads off and tickle us from head to toe! That's not the sole thing we love about them, though. (Anyone picking up on the puns? ;) 6. Most tormented character – Melanie or Erickson from Hunter’s Moon or Shoulders from The Disposable, and also someone from Bargaining Power. But that’s a spoiler. 7. Character who thinks they’re the most tormented character – Exalted Leader from The Cosmic Turkey would demand a medal for it, but if Princess Pleasance from The Disposable had her gag off, she’d shout him down. 8. Most evil villain – This is tough. Theodora and Lord Winter from Bargaining Power, but also someone from Skate the Thief whose name we probably shouldn’t mention. (And Exalted Leader would have a decent claim here, for one reason we can’t say . . . and Banning chocolate?!?!) 9. Politest character – Prince Dullard from The Disposable. Or anyone currently sucking up to Exalted Leader. 10. Oldest character – Seth from Painter of the Dead. Or Nlubglub the Jupiteran from The Cosmic Turkey (we’re bad at interplanetary math). Well, actually, it would be Time from The Land of the Purple Ring, but she has an unfair advantage. ;) 11. Youngest main character – Skate, a spunky nine-year-old thief who’s wise (and street-smart) beyond her years. Did you know that her name is a term for a thief? Here are some more cool ones! 12. Characters from separate books we really want to see interacting with each other – Exalted Leader and Pleasance (we’d bring earplugs), or Vamazz the Vamazing from The Land of the Purple Ring and Barrison Belamy from Skate the Thief. We’d love to listen in on a conversation between wizards! 13. Biggest genius – Jon Nordfeld, a codebreaker from Bargaining Power, or Martian from The Cosmic Turkey. I mean, the things he can do with a blunderbuss! 14. Most fashionable – Pietro from The Cosmic Turkey. We want his color-changing contact lenses! Help us out, Frink? 15. Quietest character – Rattle from Skate the Thief. The only major character with no dialogue still expresses him/itself well! 16. Most hyper character – Aki from Painter of the Dead. He also has the most interesting T-shirt. ;P 17. Most accident-prone character – Janet from The Cosmic Turkey (with her technology hex). She literally rode—and possibly caused it to be—a struggle bus! 18. Smallest character – Raskolnikov the pycckni dwarf hamster from The Land of the Purple Ring. He’s less Reepicheep and more snarky Russian spy. 19. Largest character – Zuri-shantar, the dragon in Skate the Thief. (Soon, we’ll have another book with a dragon! :) 20. Character who spends the most time in two pieces – Shoulders . . . the poor guy is way a head of the competition in this scattered-and-gory category! We hope you enjoyed this bit of blarney! Got a different opinion on any of these? We’d love to read it in the comments! Or make up your own superlative. (No codswallop, we kindly ask, or Squick the Duty Pixie may come and put your head on backwards. . . . ;) Ah yes, and 21. Book with a sequel coming out the soonest - The Disposable. We can't wait to make the formal announcement! Stay tuned!
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3/17/2021 07:55:28 pm
Can we get Frink from The Cosmic Turkey to team up with Skate? Unstoppable thievery!
Sarah A from Thinklings
3/17/2021 08:43:57 pm
Yassss to all of that!!! Esp. the chocolate part, LOL.
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